Covid 19: Pankshin LG chair  appreciates churches for compliance with government directive…

Churches in some parts of Pankshin local government area on Sunday, recorded absolute compliance to the banned on gathering of not more than fifty people over the coronavirus pandemic, as most Churches within Pankshin town had adjusted the number of persons and time spent in Churches.

At the Church of Christ In Nations, Regional Church Council, Vel and Holy Cross Cathedral Pankshin, the services were adjusted to three and four on hourly bases respectively as against the normal services, with others holding cell-based services at their various morning prayer points.

Chairman Christian Association of Nigeria in Pankshin local government area, Rev Barnabas Kebang , lauded the Plateau state government for the bold steps taken in closing all the entry points into the state as part of efforts to control the spread of the coronavirus disease.

Kebang who is also the Chairman Church of Christ in Nations, Regional Church Council Wokkkos, says they have directed all Churches to reduce their worshipers to the nearest minimum within a confined space and hand sanitizers be provided to members at all entrance, in line with government’s directives and medical experts which banned all high density gatherings within the state.

On his part, the Executive Chairman of Pankshin local government council, John Damap appreciated Churches in Pankshin local government area for complying with government directives of not more than fifty people per gathering, according to him the measures was part of efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

The Chairman said that religious leaders should show commitment to the safety and well being of their followers , adding that this should be demonstrated through complying with government directives.

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Covid 19: Pankshin LG chair appreciates churches for compliance with government directive…

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About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic