Further information about how the Plateau PDP primaries transpired at the Rwang Pam stadium has emerged. Discussions with key stakeholders suggest that the intrigues into what actually happen were a lot deeper than initially reported. ViewPointNigeria therefore feels obliged to bring these clarifications to your attention, having already reported on earlier happenings.
Firstly, even though a full consensus arrangement could not be reached prior to the primaries on the 8th of December, indicates shows that just before the election commenced at the Rwang Pam stadium, several of the candidates agreed to step down.

Many agreed to step down for Ignatius Longjan and rally around his candidacy -these candidates included – Prof. Wapmuk and a host others. These aspirants instructed delegates loyal to them to vote solely for him. Other candidates though disagreed with this arrangement and only agreed to step down for Victor Lar – these candidates included Fidelis Tapgun and raft of other candidates. They also instructed all their loyalist to vote exclusively for him.

Further information about how the Plateau PDP primaries transpired at the Rwang Pam stadium has emerged. Discussions with key stakeholders suggest that the intrigues into what actually happen were a lot deeper than initially reported. ViewPointNigeria therefore feels obliged to bring these clarifications to your attention, having already reported on earlier happenings.

Firstly, even though a full consensus arrangement could not be reached prior to the primaries on the 8th of December, indicates shows that just before the election commenced at the Rwang Pam stadium, several of the candidates agreed to step down.

Many agreed to step down for Ignatius Longjan and rally around his candidacy -these candidates included – Prof. Wapmuk and a host others. These aspirants instructed delegates loyal to them to vote solely for him. Other candidates though disagreed with this arrangement and only agreed to step down for Victor Lar – these candidates included Fidelis Tapgun and raft of other candidates. They also instructed all their loyalist to vote exclusively for him.

As such, the cumulative vote of 163 delegates for Ignatius Longjan and 109 for Victor Lar was actually a sum total of the votes from these candidates. Their inability to rally around one person appeared to have costed them the chance to provide a formidable force capable of challenging Senator GNS Pwajok for the nomination.

As voting commenced -our source claims that there were several voting in-congruencies and anomalies which the aspirants noticed and therefore began a protest. They asked the chairman of the primaries to redress some of their concerns, which were not entirely done -they therefore staged a walk out, leaving the venue. For instance, Ignatius Longjan and other aspirants famously left the venue prior to the commencement of voting because of what was reported as voting fraud.

It would be recalled that even prior to drafting of the delegates list in October and November, objections were already raised about the composition of those delegates -opposition candidates said only loyalist of the Government were penned down and as such they asked the National PDP secretariat to intervene.

But beyond that, allegations of bribery of delegates with monetary largese -now, even though this allegation is yet to be substantiated -several individuals and opinion leaders have made such allegations which then begs the question, is this mere mudslinging or could there be an iota of truth in there.

Several of the aspirants are actually going as far as claiming that the entire thing was a farce and that no primairies were undertaken. 

ViewPointNigeria will be looking to interview some of the aspirants in a few days and shall bring this once obtained.

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Clarification of what transpired at the Plateau PDP Primaries in Jos

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