The search for fairness as a state of being or as a benefit rather has a long history, thus, historical artifacts cannot point back to where and when this search actually started and how it has developed over time; in some sense, we may say that even the creation story has recorded that Adam despite his sin against God, seek for fairness in judgement. Therefore, Adam in his search for fairness got himself in a state we many refer to as the ‘streets’ and not an Eden.
Fairness as a term is subjective, meaning its relative BUT has a need to be viewed in universal terms if we are to speak of it in respect to the activities of men, therefore, what applies for MR A should apply for MR B and C respectively.
What more can we say of social injustice when on a daily basis we are faced with blueprints of it. There is no need to make serious emphasis here about the fact that we are in a country where ‘the law exist but routinely ignored and only applicable for the common man’; we have lived in a state where the law exist to protect the high class while the poor lives in absolute distress. Our society has been in strata and what we get for membership of a particular class are the values that such class possesses. Being death of alive is a divine MANUSCRIPT but how we have caused so much pains on each other is a social injustice we have to cut down. We go to the same markets but we have different bargaining power. We are exposed to this life, these streets as they are, but our differences in class, social order make the lower class much more vulnerable, thus, the question about how fair life is comes to the mind.
The poor steals food, he is decorated with much beatings; the poor engages in a lot of cunny things to earn a living, he is been lynched, beaten, justice fast tracked to prosecute him. The so-called ‘high and mighty’ steal billions, trillions, and they are elevated with tittles they can pay for, CON, OON,MNIetc; therefore, their justice process is delayed because they can afford to manoeuvre the law.
When the poor is sick, the community hospitals that are less equipped are the common places to visit. The poor goes there to join long cue with persons of his same state of being, hospital bills hiked, school fees increased periodically etc. On the other hand, the so-called ‘high and mighty’ get treated in good hospitals abroad, their children go to good schools abroad, they have what looks like a life, they move around in high and elevated cars, they stay in high and elevated areas such as the GRAs etc. The poor sees and perceives this social injustice …WHY???
The common man on the streets lives to serve the kids of the so-called high and mighty, the common man goes out to the streets to chant the names of these so-called ‘high and mighty’ when its election time; they are voted into offices, their children inherit from them, their grandchildren too, so they stay in power till infinity for this social injustice to be in progress. This sets the whole life looks like a script while we have failed to realise that we are the architects of this great misfortunes.
The fact that we never had food to eat never matters to anyone and yet we speak of fairness in this world, WHAT A WORLD INDEED!
Did we beg for this? Can’t say
Have we thought of this? Can’t say
Are we involved in this? YES
Can we stop this vicious cycle of suffering? YES
What then do we need? Change our mind-sets
Who is our helper? God!God!!God!!!

Evans Binan Dami
Clinical Psychologist/writer/researcher/social activist

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Battle Between Fairness And Social Injustice: The Man On The Streets As A Victim – Evans Binan

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