ASUU Unijos calls Parents, Students’ and the  Public. Why?

The strike which was embarked on by ASUU in February has entered its 80th day. The University of Jos Branch is calling on the general Public for a town hall meeting, the town Hall in particular recognizes Students and Parents.

But Why Now? VPN gathered that the top rank and file of Asuu from the President to the former president will attend. The chairman, of the occasion, is Prof. Attairu Jaga, and as part of the town Hall, issues of National security will be on the front line while the issue of why Asuu is still on strike? will come from students and parents alike as a major interest to watch out for.

The general public is supposed to be seated at the Asuu secretariat Narguta Campus by 11 am or can follow the conversation via zoom @ Zoom Meeting https: // /j/84797411133?pwd=WlUrdHZvUkh3V0VWVndmVlhoZFZkQT09 Meeting ID: 847 9741 1133Passcode: 20480 or follow the conversation on Viewpoint Nigeria on Facebook.

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ASUU Unijos calls Parents, Students’ and the Public. Why?

About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic