Alex Ladan Foundation Visited Mangun distributes over three (300) medicated glasses and eye curative

The charitable organization on the Plateau in it’s continued support to the less privileged have today visited Mangun district and distributed over three (300) medicated glasses and eye curative, the founder of the Alex Ladan foundation Hon Alex Ladan also sponsored the painting of the district head palace.

The founder of the foundation Hon Alex Ladan while addressing the traditional council after introduction said; He will continuing to support the less privileged with the little he has, he added that his medical outreach will go round the nook and crannies of the plateau, He urge the traditional council to advice there community to go for credibility while choosing there representatives. He concluded by thanking and appreciating the traditional council for hosting the entire team.

The head district HRH Da Job Ali Damiyal in his response said; Hon Alex Ladan have take him by surprise because ever since he emerged the district head they was no any free medical outreach in the district, he describe it as a first of its kind program in the district, He also added that the of type of Hon Alex are rare in the world, he asked God almighty to bless Hon Alex and reward all his effort abundantly.

There was also an educative lectures to young girls of 12-18 year old on the importance of hygiene, pros of sex education and also how to behandle there menstruation by Mrs Alex Ladan, Miss Simi and Mr Adams. After the lectures a sanitary pads were distributed free to the young girls.

While interviewing Some of the recipience of the medicated glasses and eye curative; The Appreciate the effort of Hon Alex and ask God to bless and uplift all his effort, and reward him abundantly.

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Alex Ladan Foundation Visited Mangun distributes over three (300) medicated glasses and eye curative

About The Author
- Studied Mass Communication from the University of Jos. He is a Media Consultant, Journalist, a blogger, public relations practitioner and an advocate for social justice.