Africa: As the clock ticks, let’s grab the pendulum & save our continent – By Satmak Dapar

Satmak Dapar is the Editor in chief of Satisprime Media Group. He can be reached via WhatsApp on +2349026612910 or

Like a flash of light, I became increasingly passionate about Africa and the urgent need to begin the application of workable solutions to her myriads of unresolved and deeply troubling issues after reading Prof. Jeffrey Sach’s historic book titled “THE END OF POVERTY: HOW WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN IN OUR LIFETIME.” undoubtedly, Prof. Sachs, a renowned American economist appears to know the ‘XYZ’ of Africa’s emerging problems having studied, visited and worked in Africa on many occasions as a development and humanitarian partner of the United Nations.

The book, for the most part, written in explicit terms is a mirror reflection of African situation in contemporary times and it gives insight to what Africa is today and what it could be tomorrow on account of our collective investments and labour of our past and present leaders. My inspiration was further boosted when an erstwhile U.S president Barack Obama said recently in a speech while addressing Kenyans in Nairobi that “Africans, enough is enough. It’s time for a better future.” How fascinating!

There we go! My love for Africa is indescribable and my passion to her cause can’t be thwarted by forces real or imagined. I’m a proud African and no matter how much we try and fail to make things work, a time must surely come when our dreams and aspirations will come to fruition. In Africa, I was born and raised, thus, this article stems from a position of knowledge about some pressing issues and the obvious way forward. Thankfully, I met countless people in life both in Nigeria and abroad. All the people I met and still meet hold different beliefs, viewpoints and perceptions about Africa. All sorts of definitions in both negative and positive contexts have been written or said from time immemorial till date. Nothing much has changed. I very much respect their opinions, but whether or not they are consistent and reflective of the truth and current realities, at the end of the day, history will be the judge.

It is a common knowledge that the trouble with Africa doesn’t seem to have an end. On the other hand, it appears to be waxing stronger. Each and every day, you could hear or read statements on the media indicating that, the youths are tired, frustrated and angry on account of bad leadership, Poverty is biting hard in many ramifications of African life, Mass deaths being recorded as a result of violent conflicts, deeply rooted corruption, unquenchable humanitarian crisis, Dangerous and desperate migration to Europe, decay in critical infrastructure, gross insecurity, inequality, high rate of unemployment, weak laws and injustices, collapsing structures of democracy and many other development challenges. These are the obvious problems that give me sleepless nights. I’m always glued to CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera and other mainstream media platforms staying up-to-date on what’s happening. Africa needs to be salvaged. It’s a long journey.

For the record, this write-up is not a collection of lamentation that Africa is entirely bad and its situation is hopeless. No! Infact, too many complaints, lamentations, excuses, timidity cannot, in all honesty, solve our problems. Successful people and nations have always known that, problems are solved not by rhetorics and lamentations but action. They rise up, dust themselves, develop a sense of urgency, get back to the drawing board and shoot again to hit their target. The power to make things happen for the better is in our hands. The power to begin African-wide movement with patriotic anger, demanding for a better society through strategic engagements, shared purpose and an unbending will is in our hands. The power to change our mentality, cut of tendencies of negative stereotypes and rebrand our attitudes to give meaning to Africa is in our hands and the time is always right now.

regrettably, greed and the insatiable quest for power as well as the primitive accumulation of wealth in nobody’s interest must be dislodged and stamped out completely in our minds and the larger society at large. Africa has a problem. The troubles are here with us. For the most part, they are artificial problems. However, the situation is not entirely hopeless and beyond redemption. The clock is ticking. The handwriting is clear on the wall. Action is required. Let us take the bull by the horns and declare with one voice “enough is enough. It’s time for a better future.” Let us open both hands in readiness to bear the brunt, pay the heaviest price and grab the pendulum in order to save our continent. There is a lot more to achieve here. Africa is a great place with awesome opportunities. It is a huge reservoir of crude oil, gold, tin, diamond, sugar, salt, iron, cobalt, uranium, copper, bauxite, silver and cocoa beans, also woods and tropical fruits etc.

According to research (By Al-Jazeera), “Africa is the world’s fastest-growing region for foreign direct investment. It has approximately 30 percent of the earth’s remaining mineral resources. It’s home to more than 40 different nations and around 2,000 languages. Sub-Saharan Africa has six of the world’s 10 fastest-growing economies.” Quite promising!

With the above promising revelation about Africa, every man and woman of conscience must ensure that his/her efforts for the betterment of the continent count for posterity sake. A revolution of ideas, passion and commitment for change is needed as a matter of urgency.

I’m beginning to form Synergy and build network with the right people across the continent under the auspices of CONGRESS OF AFRICAN VISIONARIES to ensure that young leaders with passion to make a difference are raised and supported to overcome their challenges. Let’s get to work.

All of Africans from Zimbabwe to Congo, from Nigeria to Ghana, from Malawi to Botswana, from Sudan to Egypt, from Kenya to South Africa, from Niger Republic to Chad, from Morroco to Ethiopia, from Gambia to Tanzania and others must come together to forge a common ground and work for the total and comprehensive liberation of Africa. The time is urgent. The time is now. Complaints can’t solve our problems but action-oriented approaches, practical ideas and an enduring capacity to shift the paradigm.

Africa is a blessed continent with enormous resources and opportunities. Businesses are thriving. The weather is awesome. Investments are booming and our people are prospering. The glory of God is hovering day in and day out and the future looks bright. We have defeated mediocrity and we are committed to arising and shining. All civil society organisations, CBOs, NGOs, mothers, fathers, mechanics, carpenters, youths, aged and all of our people must bury their differences and fight for the betterment of Africa. It is a fight to finish. Rome was built overtime. It took time and strategic efforts. Our work must be done on the basis of patriotism.

Skeptics are all over Africa. They hold the erroneous belief that real change can’t occur. That’s not the case. It’s a long journey and a tall dream, but we will be victorious. I’m an optimist. Let’s get the deal done. A stitch in time saves nine.

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Africa: As the clock ticks, let’s grab the pendulum & save our continent – By Satmak Dapar

About The Author
- Studied Mass Communication from the University of Jos. He is a Media Consultant, Journalist, a blogger, public relations practitioner and an advocate for social justice.