Covid-19: Community Fault Plateau Government’s response in tracking cases.

Covid-19: Community Fault Plateau Government’s response in tracking cases.

As the cases of the COVID-19 continues to rise, many hold the view that it is time for community tracing and massive test as the number hits 1337 with about 40 death. However, the people of a community in Jos (The name of the community withheld for professional reasons) yesterday, 27/4/2020 reported to Viewpoint Nigeria’s reporter of multiple cases of people who came from different flashpoints in the country (Name of the State withheld).

The community claim they made several calls to the NCDC and the plateau state situation room as advertised by the government of plateau state but no response for a long time. Out of frustration, the community intimated viewpoint Nigeria’s reporter who also placed calls on two members of the plateau state executive council (key) but the response was still not rapid. The community also intimated VPN that until they called the Deputy Governor prof. Sonni Tyoden who quickly responded and sent in a response team.

Surprisingly, eye-witnessed confirmed to VPN that the Rapid Response Team came with one  ambulance picking all the people in one space without maintaining the social Distance rule set aside by the NCDC, a situation the community observers think is far beyond the best practice hence discouraging the people who saw the scenario.

One of the reported cases according to the community did not submit to the team as nobody knew the where about of the case.  

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Covid-19: Community Fault Plateau Government’s response in tracking cases.

| Health & Lifestyle |
About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic