PDP Plateau endorses Dr. James Dalok as Sen. J.T Useni’s Running Mate*

*PDP Plateau endorses Dr. James Dalok as Sen. J.T Useni’s Running Mate*


Jos, Tuesday 6th Nov, 2018


Social media was agog these last few days with news that there is a crack in the PDP on the Plateau as a result of the emergence of Senator J.T. Useni as its governorship candidate. Nothing is farther from the truth. If anything, the party has continued to wax stronger since the primaries ended last month.


After the keenly contested primaries that produced Sen. JT Useni as the flag bearer, all the other 12 aspirants who contested with him rallied round to congratulate him and also promised to work with him in the interest of the party and the state. This was because the primary election was free, fair and transparent, fully expressing the wishes of the people. At the present moment, Sen. JT Useni is receiving substantial goodwill from the aspirants. This is a verifiable fact.


Further, you would recall that the Director-General of Sen. J.T. Useni Campaign Organization (JUCO), Prof Dimis Mai-Lafia, hosted the 12 DGs of the other aspirants. All the DGs unanimously agreed to work together with the PDP State Campaign Council towards winning the forthcoming general elections at all levels.


Another heartwarming  milestone is the unity of purpose demonstrated by the 17 PDP LGA Chairmen on the Plateau and the State Working Committee. On Monday, 5th November, 2018, the joint meeting accepted and approved the nomination of Dr. James Dalok as the running mate to Sen. J.T. Useni. The joint meeting also agreed to work as a team towards the success of the party at the poll in February.


A communique was released by the State Publicity Secretary Sir Johns T. Akans after the meeting, and it reads in part:


“The joint meeting therefore resolved as follows:


1. On the Governorship Running Mate:

a. The meeting observed with concern the divided interest among the party members both within and outside the Executive Council on the choice of the running mate by our Candidate Senator Jeremiah T Useni.


b. The meeting noted that this issue should not be allowed to divide the  party considering the fact that all members will be treated fairly as we prepare to form the new government in Plateau.


c. The meeting unanimously stood in complete support of the choice of Dr James Dalok as the running mate in the 2018 general election.”


This resolution puts to rest the arguments and counter-arguments on the choice of the running mate. It also dispels the rumours on social media that the house is divided. For emphasis, it is important to restate this: the party has never been so united, as we have observed that party members and leaders have no other interest than the interest of the average Plateau person who is aching to see good governance and strong leadership return to Little Rayfield.


So as not to be misquoted, the full text of the communique is presented verbatim:





The joint leadership of the  Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at the state and local governments level has met and discussed a number of issues bordering on the progress of the party.


At the meeting were members of the state Executive and party Chairmen of the 17 local government areas.


The joint meeting marks a new beginning of  dedication within our party and a new spirit of sacrificial service  amongst all party faithful.


The meeting:


1. Thanked leaders, elders and stakeholders of our great party, especially aspirants to various political offices, for their contributions and sacrifices to the party in the process of keeping the party very vibrant and bring about healing in our land and among our people.


2. Noted that Plateau  was the first state to openly define its spirituality and human liberty, and therefore gave a special appeal to our members to forgive one another for the survival and progress of our dear state.


3. Observed the need to create together a new party spirit of unity, trust and wisdom to minimize mistakes and maximise our strength,


The joint meeting therefore resolved as follows:


1. On the Governorship Running Mate:

a. The meeting observed with concern the  divided interest among the party members both within and outside the Executive Council on the choice of the running mate by our Candidate Senator Jeremiah T Useni.


b. The meeting noted that this issue should not be allowed to divide the  party considering the fact that all members will be treated fairly as we prepare to form the new government in Plateau.


c. The meeting unanimously stood in complete support of the choice of Dr James Dalok as the running mate in the 2018 general election.


d. It therefore called on all leaders, stakeholders and members of our great party to forgive one another and work toward genuine reconciliation, leave behind the past and work assiduously towards winning elections in 2019 in the interest of Plateau.


2. The  meeting passed a vote of confidence in the leadership of the party from the state right down to the ward level. We noted happily that the people of Plateau have already resolved to give PDP another mandate come 2019. We must show that we all have confidence in ourselves as party members.


3. The joint Executive resolved to work as a team for the success of all candidates across the state with a view to winning the next general election. We must bury all our differences in the interest of our people  who have been subjected to hunger, poverty, and killings under the APC- led government.


4. The meeting condemned in very strong terms all forces, both within and outside the party that are trying to bring the party to disrepute and to make it more vulnerable to defeat.


Thanks and God bless us all.




Sir John Telpark Akans


Publicity Secretary.”


My submission therefore, ladies and gentleman, is that this communiqué, together with the convergence of the DGs of the former aspirants, and the commitment of the former aspirants to work with our candidate, Sen. JT Useni, have put paid to all insinuations about a crack in the party over the choice of our running mate.


We at the Secretariat of the campaign organization are excited about the unity that these events have engendered. We thank all who have made it possible.


God bless Plateau State.


Prof. Dimis Mai-lafia

DG, Jeremiah Useni Campaign Organization (JUCO)

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PDP Plateau endorses Dr. James Dalok as Sen. J.T Useni’s Running Mate*

| News, Politics |
About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic