Conspiracy of plateau political class- Lalong affirm,JT Usein clinges ticket… poor electorates diplaced & killed …hurry ! Nigeria is independent. ..

From Jos street,

Dakwom M Longgul  (DML).

It’s Nigeria’s 58 independence, the political class on the plateau were in rayfield both Muslim and Christians.  Money politics and chanting to former leaders and intending leaders was the soundbite of the day.

crest hotel houses the delegates of the rulling political party – APC whereas the intending but opposition PDP occupy both treasure inn and land field resort. concurrently, as this two parties do what they do best, the people of Rikkos, Angwan Rukuba , Tina, Bauchi Road  and farin-Gada are on a killing spray, a haunt for each others head.

on a day like this- independence day, many question would come to mind, because, the essence of independence is freedom, peace and security,freedom of economic growth, and freedom of Faith or religion but all these have become the fundamental contradiction that comes with the  independence of Nigeria,  our attempt to get it right has become our bane for which we are faced with a distorted conscioness that encourages the poor to fight for the gods of politics while the political class continue to co exist  in thier quest for political power and wealth for their generations unborn.

The  plateau story is sad to say the least, the P.D.P  primaries was characterised by sharing of money to the few poor who were privileged to dine with the political class,indeed the interest in the politics of plateau brought the Taraba base General TY Danjuma  who came purposely to deliver his candidate and friend for long.  ye, with the emergence  of Gen JT Useni as the flag bearer of the PDP many still have mixed feelings if such a candidate is the messiah that plateau awaits for- Jerry Useni is a trained military who had close affiliation with the political gods since the Abacha military regime,indeed Jerry Useni had almost became the president but till date the reason remains in dark as to why he was surcharge. The major campaign thrust of Jerry Useni is to restore  peace on the plateau a challenge confronted by former Governor Jonah Jang and his successor  the Rt.Hon Simon Bako Lalong.

The APC primaries was a mere arrangement  to fulfil the wish of the most qualified pipper who always pay to dictate the tone, the result of the affirmation was not different from the P.D.P – money was shared to hungry delegates amidst  killings they all smile at the executive, cheif security officer without   question or protest… it was indeed simple for all to say yes and affirm the seating governor as far as thier wishes for a better pocket improvement is guaranteed and assured… who then is to blame for the promising 300 level law student who was shot by the Nigerian army for defending his fellow students ? what about the many who lost thier lives and properties yesterday ? sadly ! the conflict is supported by the consciousness that a political party is not a means of getting power but also a platform for a particular religion but in rayfiled both religions adhearants were in the act of collecting the Money without asking the question — what of our lives and properties ? what about our villages ? what about our education and health ?  what about the children and the future?

shine your eyes look well before you cross the 2019 high way.

in pictures, some results out side rayfielď


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Conspiracy of plateau political class- Lalong affirm,JT Usein clinges ticket… poor electorates diplaced & killed …hurry ! Nigeria is independent. ..

| Opinion |
About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic