Dear Plateau, As You Dust Your PVCs, Ku Yi Zurfin Tunani by Dr Chinnan Mclean Dikwal

If the critical factor during the 2015 election was “corruption”, then surely for the upcoming 2019 elections, it is “self-preservation” (at least for the people of Plateau, it is).


Self-preservation from


  • the rapid AK 47s of marauding herdsmen
  • the deadly bullets of complicit security agencies
  • the eerie silence of the President
  • the un-ending excuses of PLSG
  • the duplicities and distortions of government’s spin doctors who continue to sell the “clash” narrative, as opposed to the truth -which is genocide.


In all this madness, one thing is sure, never in the history of our existence has the Ngas man, the Tarok man, the Mwaghavul man, Goemai man, Ron Kulere, Afiezere, Mupun, Pyem, Mushere, Miship, Fier and Tal man felt more vulnerable and unsafe in his ancestral abode.


Never in the history of the corporate existence of Plateau, have the lives of men, women, children, clergymen, elders, students etc meant so little.


Never in the history of Plateau has the phrase “we will bring the perpetuators of this crime to justice” become so cliché and over-used that it has lost its meaning.


I write this piece to draw your attention to the fact that in the last 7 days alone, 5 separate attacks have occurred -with 29 people murdered in Barkin Ladi, Riyom & Bassa LGAs.


  • 26th August 2018 – two killed near JUTH (including driver of the current PLHA speaker)
  • 29th August 2018 – Reverend of COCIN LCC Abonong, his wife, three children murdered. Two other individuals murdered in overnight attack in Zayit village – Foron District/B Ladi.
  • 29th August 2018 – MOPOL kill 6 Plateau youths who attempt to fortify village, after Abonong attack
  • 2nd September 2018 – Two killed as herdsmen invade Adu village of Bassa LGA.
  • 2nd September 2018 – 11 killed as herdsmen attack Latya-Rayfield and Loh Pam Dyet village (Du – Jos South).


Of particular note in the above attacks, is the last attack of yesterday 2nd September 2018 (in Latya-Rayfield & Loh Pam Dyet – Du). The marauders adopted a different strategy to their usual guerrilla warfare. They undertook the first drive-by shooting/ambush near the seat of power (Rayfield). This is in total departure to their usual trade mark style of “guerrilla attacks” in remote villages e.g. Shonong, Rim etc


The brazenness and sophistication to execute such massacre close to the heart of the city means everyone must start to take note. Additionally, the use of a vehicle to go hunting for targets puts a totally different dimension to what we have traditionally construed as herdsmen attacks. If care is not taken, many may not have the confidence to attend big gatherings in Jos metropolis anymore -and this apprehension and fear may ultimately change our way of live in the most dramatic of ways. We might have to resort to Afghanistan-like or Iraqi-like measures to get things done in Jos.



To cut to the chase, as you oil your PVCs, as you consider where to cast your vote -think security, think credibility, think integrity, think character. Do not be swayed by party affiliation (the truth is that most of our parties have no ideologies, they are simply a collection of interests).


Put your vote on the candidate with the most integrity, as opposed to those who will trade their people for a pot of broth or soup.


Remember, the number one need on the Plateau at the moment is not clean water, electricity or any of those things – it is simply self-preservation and survival.


Cast your vote for people who understand these challenges and not simply the same breed of politicians who have perfected the art of looking only after themselves.

Allah ya bamu sa’a


Truly – Dr Chinnan Maclean Dikwal


See links to the news of the killings are reported by ViewPointNigeria:



Pardon me, but I have taken the liberty to re-print the pictures of the killings yesterday at Latya-Rayfield and Loh Pan Dyet (Du – Jos South) for your perusual. Apologies for the gory nature.




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Dear Plateau, As You Dust Your PVCs, Ku Yi Zurfin Tunani by Dr Chinnan Mclean Dikwal

| Opinion |
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