Hon. Godfrey k. Lamdip, holds constituency brief, accounts for stewardship in office

Langtang North -North house of Assembly member Hon. Godfrey k. Lamdip holds constituency briefing, in appreciation to the people of his constituency for electing him the Hon member did no fail to give back.
in the crowd , includes , traditional rulers religious leaders ,former house of Assembly Members ,women groups and also different youths groups.

In his speech he mentioned his challenges and shortly move on to state what he has been able to achieve within the shortest time frame to include ;
1. Education:
40 plastic chairs were provided to primary school MABE (Tabat ward).
40 plastic chairs were provided to primary school NYER (Nyer ward).
Holiday Lesson:
96 Teachers were contracted for about 5 weeks which cost us 720,000.
Textbooks, exercise books were provided for the students at the rate of 260,000
15 students were registered for their WAEC final examination, within Langtang North-North constituency
5 bundle of zinc was given to primary school KALAFI to assist them in roofing as requested.
Construction of 2 classroom and office at Matamtam (Lipchok ward)
Construction of 2 classrooms and office at Ndanga (Nyer ward)
Roofing of two (2) classrooms at Mindim

2. Agriculture:
20 cartons of herbicides were provided to constituent to aids and also cushion most especially rice farming/ production.
25 bags of fertilizers were also provided to assist our local farmers.
3. Religion
Four (4) slots were lobbied and gotten for our immediate constituents to visit the holy land Jerusalem.
IN 2016
3. Water:
Construction of Jidadi dam.
A “Well” was dug and built at Nlefer (Pajat ward).
Borehole was drilled at Pajat fire service.
A well was dug at Mahauta (Kuffen A).
A well was dug and built at Kukwar
2 over haul boreholes at Pajat ward.
A Well was dug at Zamkumkum.

50 cartons of herbicides were provided for constituent.
25 bags of fertilizers were provided for constituents
Culvert was constructed at Pokur-jal community.
50,000 was donated to JAL community to assist them floored their class rooms. (Primary school)
Registration with plateau state ministry of water resources and energy, for infrastructure status information for the whole 52 polling units.
12 youths were been given the opportunity for training and empowerment with the citizens and leadership training centre plot 1075 Joseph Gomwalk street, Gudu district Abuja.
22 women were also registered with the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development for entrepreneurial Skills.
IN 2017
3 slots was lobbied for and gotten for qualified constituent at the presently conducted teachers services commission recruitment.
1 slot was lobbied and gotten during the last Nigerian police force recruitment.
2 appointments position were secured for constituent with the PADP.
6 persons was trained with NDE.
Flooring of Zamko Youth Centre.
Constructions of disable bikes for disabled persons within the Langtang North-North constituency (1 per each ward.)
Renovation of PHC pangna
Construction of 2 classrooms at Panzam by CSDP.
The above pending was well captured in our 2017 budget but necessary mobilization yet to take place.
IN 2018
A rice milling machine donated to Ocha ga Ngura community.
The following were captured in our 2018 budgets.
Construction of blocks of classroom /offices at wallang Langtang-North North state constituency.
Construction of blocks of classroom/offices at Ngwan-Damung in Langtang North-North state constituency.
Construction of a youth centre at Nyer Community in Langtang North-North State constituency.
Construction of Zamko Community Market in Langtang North-North state constituency.

-26 bills presented
-28 motions
-11 bills have been passed into law.

.issue of majority to minority.
.selection of leadership of the house.
.lack of implementation of constituency projects by the executives.


photos  speak

count | 111

Hon. Godfrey k. Lamdip, holds constituency brief, accounts for stewardship in office

| News, Politics |
About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic