Following the setting up of a committee by the Plateau State House of Assembly to investigate the misappropriation of funds by the State Government, it appears the Executive has severed its cordial relationship with the House.

This latest move by the Government is seen as a move to resist the lawmakers, by scuttling their efforts to conduct oversight functions at the Ministries, Departments and Agencies in the State.

Following the setting up of a committee by the Plateau State House of Assembly to investigate the misappropriation of funds by the State Government, it appears the Executive has severed its cordial relationship with the House.

This latest move by the Government is seen as a move to resist the lawmakers, by scuttling their efforts to conduct oversight functions at the Ministries, Departments and Agencies in the State.

In a memo sent to the House, the State Ministry of Transport informed the House that it will not permit the House oversight function in the Ministry unless it received approval of the State Governor.

The House had written to the Ministry notifying it of plans by the House committee on transport to pay a working visit to the ministry.

The memo which emanated from office of the state commissioner for Transport Abubakar Dashe, dated 20th June, 2014 and made available to ViewpointNigeria in Jos, reads, “Referring to your letter dated 17th June 2024, I am under instruction to write and inform you that the honourable commissioner has written to government house for clearance but has not been cleared.

The memo with title ‘Re: Working Visit’, further reads, “We appeal you shift the proposed visit pending when we get the clearance from government house”.

It would be recalled that the State Government through the Secretary to the State Government, Prof. Shedrach Best, a few weeks ago had issued a memo, restraining all civil servants and Government appointees from appearing before the House, without getting clearence from the Governor.

It would be recalled last week, that ViewPointNigeria reported of a new group called G17 who had equally lodged a counter petition to that lodged initially by the Plateau Patriotic Front (PPF). Praying the House to disregard the anonymous memo from PPF.

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Allegations of Financial Impropriety: PLSG Bars Lawmakers from Oversight Function in Ministries

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