The intrigues relating to the suspension of the erstwhile chairman of the Plateau State Chapter of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) appears to be escalating. This time, a new group called Transformation Youth Vanguard, has released a statement faulting the suspension of Dr. Dabin, claiming that the move was a ploy to pave way for the imposition of a candidate from the Berom ethnic group on Plateau citizens.

In their submission, the group claimed that the manner in which Dabin was suspended exhibits undemocratic tenets and portends a dangerous trend for Plateau politics.

The intrigues relating to the suspension of the erstwhile chairman of the Plateau State Chapter of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) appears to be escalating. This time, a new group called Transformation Youth Vanguard, has released a statement faulting the suspension of Dr. Dabin, claiming that the move was a ploy to pave way for the imposition of a candidate from the Berom ethnic group on Plateau citizens.

In their submission, the group claimed that the manner in which Dabin was suspended exhibits undemocratic tenets and portends a dangerous trend for Plateau politics.

It said, “The party was enjoying relative peace until the party chairman informed the Governor, on the 7th June 2014, of his intention to contest the gubernatorial seat, and then hell broke loose from that point.”

The statement which was signed by the group’s national coordinator, James Nuhu, said the group was convinced that Dabin’s suspension was because of an ethnic agenda because, among other things, three of the four party executives who walked out of an earlier meeting over Dabin’s Governorship ambition were from the Berom ethnic group.

It went on to say that Dr. Dabin had not broken any party rules or constitutional provision and that the action against him cannot be backed by law, because he was suspended at a meeting which he did not attend and was not given a chance to state his own side of the story.
In conclusion, the statement said what was happening in PDP was a ploy to stop Dabin from influencing the choice of who becomes party flag bearer. Saying the hand writing on the wall was pretty clear about the political strategies being deployed to allow for the emergence of another Berom person come 2015.

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The suspension of Haruna Dabin was done to pave way for Berom Candidate – Group

| Politics |
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