Security Guard arranges FGGC Langtang Students for sex for N5000 or Less

In an investigation carried out by TheCable, it has been revealed that a security guard employed to safeguard the students of Federal Government Girls College (FGGC) Langtang, Plateau State, has been pimping out its female pupils.

The guard, whose phone number was easily acquired through an acquaintance of the reporter’s, assured that getting female students out the hostel was “no big deal.”

The reporter with TheCable had gone undercover as a businessman looking to find company during his stay in the state.

The two parties – the reporter and the guard – met at a guest house the latter claimed was familiar to the female students, Bani Guest House.

Over a meal of rice, the guard informed the reporter the students were rounding off their examinations, and the outgoing students would be perfect for the meet. He said:

I am giving you outgoing students. There are some writing exams, it’s just to get a clue to know them and ask if they can do this for me. There are girls who do runs but the issue is money.

The guard requested the sum of N5,000 from the undercover reporter to “sort out” the logistics of the meeting – transportation for himself and the student. He said:

You’ll discuss how much you’ll give them. All those girls are small girls and they don’t know money much. If you treat them well, they will look for you if you’re still around.

He reached out to the reporter by phone later in the day, saying: “I have arranged two girls now, and they will come to meet you when they are done with their exams today.”

The students, however, did not show up as planned. Their exams did not conclude until it was too late, and they feared leaving the school would interfere with the paper they’d have the following day.

A graduating student who later spoke with the reporter said the guard was demoted to his position after impregnating a student. She said:

He used to be a kitchen staff. He impregnated one of the girls in the hostel, you know the hostel is close to the kitchen, and I think as a punishment, he was moved from the kitchen to the gate.

One of the officials of the school’s Old Girls’ Association said they’d heard rumours, but were unable to confirm the allegations after carrying out investigations. She said:

The pimp, we were told, wasn’t even a security guard but one of the male teachers.

We have tried to investigate but we couldn’t find anything. We confronted the former principal — who is now retired — with this and she said there was no such thing going on.

There was a specific teacher allegedly doing this with SS3 girls but no one could give his name or any useful information in getting to the root of the matter.

We even got a girl whom we were told knew this pimp, and when we called her, she denied knowing a thing. So, we had to disregard the rumour, because if you tell us something is happening, you should be able to give us the needed information to work with.

If we had a name at least, we could have done something covertly with some of the old girls who now teaches at the college, and our Jos chapter could have showed up in the school unannounced.

Another graduating student who spoke to the reporter recounted tales of teachers who invite students to their offices late at night, and to their homes on weekends. She said:

One teacher used to call girls to his office in the night. But I don’t know what he used to do with them. One of the girls told us that when she went to his office, he only asked her out, and that when it’s weekend she would follow him to his house.

A man in charge at the ICT department, where the students visit for biometrics for examination purposes, would, according to the student, touch the girl’s “breasts and buttocks.”

The Ministry of Education, when contacted, said it was unaware of the events happening in the school.

Chineye Ihuoma, Director of Press at the Federal Ministry of Education, said:

If you have any proof, the best way is for you to write us formally and we will conduct proper investigations. But, how can a security man in the school be pimping girls to a stranger? How can?

Officials in the school refused to speak on the record. Laura Dogo, the school principal, who did speak said: “I am a civil servant. I would advise that you speak to the ministry of education in Abuja.”

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Security Guard arranges FGGC Langtang Students for sex for N5000 or Less

| Education |
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