Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal Constituency of Plateau State witnessed a flurry of Peace Building activities and constructive engagement by Rep ID Gyang who undertook a two phased PEACE CONSOLIDATION AND MALARIA ERADICATION CAMPAIGN.

The twin programme was staged in both Barikin Ladi and Riyom LGs. The campaigns were taken down to the grassroots level where Rep Gyang engaged directly with the people.

It started with Ganawuri then proceeded to Bachi and ended with Riyom in the first phase in this month, August 2017. The second phase was staged in Barikin Ladi LG starting with Foron, then Heipang and later to Fan. Gashish and Ropp are on the line already scheduled.

In all locations and districts visited, the turn out of people was massive.

Rep Gyang commended the people for not only embracing peace but for cohabiting peacefully at the community level.
He recalled how during his electioneering campaigns, he made the restoration of peace to the constituency his major priority.

He was therefore visibly elated and glad that his desire and prayers for peace was now a reality.
He saluted the effort and commitment of the security agencies and stakeholders including -traditional, religious and community leaders for playing leading roles in the peace restoration process. He equally saluted the youth and women for being instrumental to the realisation of the prevailing peace.
He recalled how in conjunction with the STF, meetings and dialogue sessions were held including communities from neighbouring Mangu LG.

In addition, peace building dialogue sessions were hosted to address conflict triggers including conduct, actions and utterances that were inimical to peaceful coexistence.

Rep Gyang at the campaigns, cautioned the people against any conduct or actions that may jeopardize the prevailing peace. He urged them to be vigilant and report anyone or group that may constitute a threat to the peace.

Responding to calls by some farmers against destruction of their farm crops by cattle and herds, Rep Gyang cautioned against wilful destruction of farm crops as such actions were inimical to the peace. He advised that any case of willful destruction of farm crops should be reported to the security agencies. He pointed out that no aggrieved persons should resort to self help by taking the law into their hands but rather follow the due process of law in seeking redress including community-based conflict resolution structures.

Rep Gyang emphasized the need for the people not to make violence an option in resolving disagreements and conflict situation. Rather, dialogue should always be employed and where necessary, the law should take its course to bring erring persons to book to serve as a deterrence against lawless conduct and impunity.

Rep Gyang remarked that the peace mission and campaigns are meant to consolidate and permanent the prevailing peace in his constituency. He enthused that his constituency is now a case study in peace building and harmonious coexistence.

He used the opportunity to request the Federal government and the International Donor Agencies to assist the people that were displaced by the unfortunate crisis in his constituency to rebuild their destroyed homes, public structures such as school buildings and health centres/clinics, repossess farmlands and other assets that can be reclaimed.

The Malaria eradication campaign which was conducted simultaneously along side the peace consolidation campaign was equally a huge success. Thousands of households, men women and children benefited from treated Mosquito Nets which were distributed freely. Also distributed were drugs against Malaria, Typhoid, Ulcer, Cough Syrups and Delivery Kits for expectant mothers in all the communities and districts covered in the course of the campaigns.

Rep Gyang expressed satisfaction at the Peace Consolidation and Malaria eradication campaigns and promise to continue with programmes and projects that will positively impact the people and add value to their well being.

Cmr. Friday Bako
Constituent of Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal and Member of the Peace Consolidation and Malaria Eradication Campaign

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Peace Consolidation Mission and Malaria Eradication Campaign of Barr. I. D. Gyang-By Cmr. Friday Bako

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