Hajiya Lantana Bako Abdullahi has been appointed as the Director of Programmes for the Plateau State Peace Building Agency (PSPBA). This development was made known through an online communique by the Plateau State Peace Building Agency.

Hajiya Lantana was described as having worked with several agencies including the Search For Common Ground Initiative, where she managed several grants and funds in Jos and Maiduguri.

Below are details of the communique shared by PSPBA.

We are happy to announce that His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong, the Executive Governor of Plateau State, has approved the appointment of Hajiya Lantana Bako Abdullahi as Director of Programs for the Plateau State Peace Building Agency.

Lantana Bako is no stranger to the conflict prevention and peace building terrain. She brings with her an extensive experience that spans over a decade working with both local and international non-governmental organizations in the country.

In her capacity as director of programs, she will be responsible for the design, implementation and supervision of a wide range of conflict prevention and Peace building strategies of the Peace building agency.

Until her appointment, Lantana was working with Search for Common Grounds (SFCG) Nigeria where she was saddled with the responsibility of managing several grants in Jos and Maiduguri respectively.

She was also responsible for managing SFCG’s local office and establishing good working relationship with diverse local stakeholders and actors across the country.

Hajiya Lantana was once a research assistants on the Analysis of the Situation of Children Affected by Armed Conflict in the Niger Delta and the Northern Region of Nigeria, and also supported the Early Warning Response Design Support (EWARDS) of USAID West Africa.

Before joing SFCG, she served as the Peace building and Conflict Prevention Program Officer of the Centre for Peace Advancement in Nigeria (CEPAN) and the Women Empowerment Associate of Sayyida Assalam Development Foundation.

We are confident that the wealth of experience she brings to the agency will not only add value to our work but will further reinforce and strengthen our desire to turn our Peace building agency into a reference center on issues of conflict prevention and Peace building.

Hajiya Lantana Bako is widely traveled and is married with children.

She has since resumed work in her new duty post.

Please join us in welcoming Lantana Bako to the Peace Building Agency.

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Hajiya Lantana Bako Abdullahi appointed director of programmes of Plateau Peace Bureau

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