Pictures: Lalong hosts Senate Committee on Industry, restates commitment to revive moribund industries

Nigerian Senate Committee on Industry led by its Chairman, His Excellency, Sen. Sam Egwu today the 16th of June, 2017 paid a courtesy visit to Gov. Simon Bako Lalong of Plateau State at the new Government House, Little Rayfield, Jos.

Sen. Sam Egwu appreciated the Rescue Administration in Plateau State for the restoration of peace, agricultural interventions and infrastructural development.

Responding on behalf of the Rescue Administration, Gov. Simon Bako Lalong appreciated the Senators for visiting Plateau State and attributed the success of his administration to his open door policy and regular consultations with stakeholders on issues affecting Plateau State.

He further assured them of his Government commitment to reviving moribund industries in the State as well as creating new ones alongside the revived Bokkos Fertilizer Blending Company, and Highland Bottling Company.


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Pictures: Lalong hosts Senate Committee on Industry, restates commitment to revive moribund industries

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