News reaching ViewPointNigeria indicates that about three people were killed in a fresh attack in Wase Local Government Area of Plateau State. The cause of the conflict leading to the deaths is said to be related to a leadership tussle between two communities.

Scores of people were wounded from gun shots in addition to the three killed. Properties which include over 300 houses were torched and destroyed by the warring youths who were armed with sophisticated weapons.

News reaching ViewPointNigeria indicates that about three people were killed in a fresh attack in Wase Local Government Area of Plateau State. The cause of the conflict leading to the deaths is said to be related to a leadership tussle between two communities.

Scores of people were wounded from gun shots in addition to the three killed. Properties which include over 300 houses were torched and destroyed by the warring youths who were armed with sophisticated weapons.

A villager stated that the crisis was as a result of a leadership tussle between the Jat and Kumbwan communities of Wase Local Government Area. He added that a teacher was amongst the death and that those critically injured were rushed to the Langtang General hospital.

The cause of the violence was an offshoot of a power tussle amongst the communities. It was gathered that 12 clans who were displaced from Wase and Kanam Local Government Areas during the 2001 crisis established a new settlement called Gwantim meaning “Let all unite.” The Jat clan went ahead to appoint a leader known as Ponzhi Jat to head the area. This action was resisted by other clans which escalated to the violence.

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3 killed and scores injured in Wase LGA of Plateau

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