2019: Jang consolidates hold with Plateau PDP congresses

Until last week, the people of Plateau state had been waiting for what would be the outcome of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP congresses in the state. As a party still very much on ground in the state despite losing power to the All Progressives Congress, APC, during the last general election and one desirous of returning to power in 2019 ,the interest and importance attached to the congress by the members was therefore not surprising. Based on the high expectations, security operatives were put on alert in strategic locations in the state especially where the congresses were billed to hold to forestall any eventuality .

From all indications, it was a battle between forces loyal to former Governor of the state and incumbent Senator representing Plateau North in the National Assembly, Jonah Jang and those seeking to hijack the party structure from him. The anti- Jang forces during the congress were led on one hand by the member representing Jos South/Jos East federal constituency in the National Assembly, Edward Pwajok, and on another hand ,by the former member House of Representatives, Honourable Bitrus Kaze.

The development heightened tensions in different part of the state but when the congress finally held , it was peaceful.

In the build up to the congress, the issue of zoning arrangement adopted by the party in sharing the various positions especially that of the state chairmanship position also attracted a lot of controversy among the contending forces While groups loyal to Bitrus Kaze, himself a chairmanship candidate faulted the arrangement which favours the zoning of the state chairmanship slot to Riyom LGA saying that it was a plot to scheme him out of the race, those loyal to Jang had dismissed such position insisting that it was in line with the party’s constitution and principle.

The contending forces continued to flex muscles using various intrigues in their bid to secure advantage till the day of election, but when the results were declared, former Minister of Sports and Youths development, Mr. Damishi Sango, a known ally of Senator Jang emerged as state chairman of the party.

In fact, most of the state party officials who emerged victorious during the congress were said to be close associates of the former Governor. But in the case of the ward and local government area congresses, it was learnt that the various positions were shared between the two camps and others throughout the seventeen LGAs of the state For Senator Jonah Jang, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP congress in the state was an opportunity to right the wrongs of the past and put the party on a strong footing ahead of the 2019 general elections.

While they may never admit it openly, former Governor Jonah Jang might have shocked even his most ardent critics especially those who had held the notion that after the 2015 election, which saw the defeat of late Senator Gyang Pwajok, his anointed candidate , the former Governor has lost relevance and lacks the political wherewithal to whip his adversaries into line. In fact, many had thought that some of his postures had lost touch with the people and are not capable of scaring off those who were baying for his political blood.

However, results of the last week congresses in the state have shown that his influence in the state politics has not waned . Midway into the congresses, supporters of the former Governor who were enchanted over the outcome of the Local Government election results moved to his Du country home in Jos South LGA of the state. What followed was a mini- rally of some sort. And when Jang who was in company of other party chieftains came out to address the crowd that had gathered, the crowd discovered that what was uppermost in his mind is the unity of the party.

They also discovered that the former Governor harbours no ill- feeling against those who had worked against the interest of the party in the past but would rather want them to close ranks and work together to enable the party regain its lost glory. Jang who spoke in Hausa language told his supporters: “Do not allow anyone to cause division in the party because PDP members are one family and will remain so in Plateau state.

There is no basis for in-fighting. We must put the past behind us and work together because divided we fall, united we stand. God knows our hearts and by His grace, He will give the Party another opportunity very soon to continue the good works here in Plateau state and in the country Nigeria”. Apparently, those in the know said that apart from his supporters, Jang was actually wooing those who had either defected to another party in the state or had not left the PDP but chose to remain aloof in their relationship with the party especially in the aftermath of the 2015 elections.

These included former Governor of the state and one of the founding members of PDP, Ambassador Fidelis Tapgun, who last year, openly declared support for the then opposition All Progressive Congress in the state while still remaining as a member of the PDP. Since then, he has continued to maintain ambiguity in his loyalty and support for the party.

Also, the former Chairman of the PDP in the state, Professor Dakum Shown equally switched support to the opposition while still remaining with the PDP as member . Some of those who completely dumped the party included former Speaker of state House of Assembly, Hon.John Clark Dabwan, former Deputy Governor of the state, Jethro Akun, former Governorship aspirant, Engr.Jimmy Cheto and former Chief Medical Director of Gwagwalada General Hospital, Dr Nandul Durfa to mention a few.

If those who were watching political developments in the state felt that Jang had said enough when he asked the crowd that gathered at his residence to unite and work together in the interest of the party and people of the state, they were wrong.

In a statement signed by his former Executive Assistant, Mr Clinton Garba which he released almost immediately after the Party congresses were concluded, Jang said: “The emergence of new Peoples Democratic Party, PDP leadership in Plateau State under the Chairmanship of Hon. Damishi Sango signals the beginning of a new vista in the political history of the State. “The delegates have shown that the mistakes of the past are being corrected and the party strengthened ahead of the 2019 elections.

“The onus is now on the new leadership to unite all divergent views, ensure cohesion and bring together all those who have left and were at the verge of leaving for the sole aim of regaining the lost glory of the party arising from the events of the recent past.

“We must appreciate the outgoing exco for holding forth and staying above board even in the face of daunting challenges.

That the party has not disintegrated under its watch is a pointer to the fact that members of the exco are experienced, men of proven and tested integrity, who have been committed to the cause of the party in the State. “We therefore charge the incoming exco to reunite aggrieved members, win new members and put the party in good stead to wrest power in 2019. “ The current state of affairs in the State under the APC is a far cry to what the PDP had intended and there is an urgent need to restore the dignity of the Plateau people by delivering good governance and development to fill their yearnings and aspirations. “For all those who contested for one position or the other, this is time to display the highest form of sportsmanship by joining those who emerged to rebuild the party.

“ The incoming exco will definitely count on their wealth of experience and noble ideas which will be in the interest of the party as well as the people of Plateau State. ‘Once more, we congratulate the new exco and wish them well in the business of piloting the affairs of the party.

We look forward to seeing them rejuvenate the party and make it the pride of all. We must not allow the pioneering efforts of our leaders both at the national and state level to go in vain.

“Posterity will judge us all for the roles we play either in building the party or as agents of it destruction”.

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2019: Jang consolidates hold with Plateau PDP congresses

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