August 1st National Protest: HRH Dr Selky Kile Torughedi urges Nigerian Youths not to Join Protest

As the agitations for a Nationwide Protest against economic hardship in Nigeria rages on, the Eyewei (V) of Azzuzuama, Southern Ijaw LGA of Bayelsa State, His Royal Highness (Dr) Selky Kile Torughedi (a.k.a General Young Shall Grow) has called on Nigerians to shelve the tempting desire to join the planned August 1st 2024 National Protest.

In a statement by the monarch on Wednesday 31st July, 2024, he noted that though there are protests that are necessary to solve certain problems, not all problems can be solved through protests. He pleaded with the youths to be more focused in life than paying unnecessary prices for politicians.

HRH Dr Selky used the opportunity to caution the youths of Nigeria against a repeat of what happened during the 2020 EndSARS protests which has left a very sour taste in the mouths of business owners and other Nigerians who suffered losses.

“I join stakeholders of the region to call on all Ex-Agitators and agitating Youths of the Niger Delta and Nigeria to shelve the tempting desire to join the protest which is planned to begin on the 1st of August 2024.”

“I know how difficult things has been especially since last year but the Federal Government is not sleeping on it’s oars rather the President has been exploring all needed avenues to ensure that things turn around in the country to bring economic prosperity to bear on all Citizens and Legal Residents in Nigeria.”

“There are protests that are necessary to solve certain problems but it is not all problems that can be solved through protest. Protesting admits economic hardship, instead of solving the situation will rather exacerbate the situation and bring unnecessary pressure to an already dire situation and cause avoidable implosion that will result to more suffering.”

“As Grand Commander of the Nigerian youths. I plead with us to be more focused in your life than paying unnecessary prices for politicians. Just know and believe that you are stronger than you think, braver than you feel, and smarter than you know.”

“Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle or make you feel like you’re not enough. You are unique, talented Nigerian youths, and capable of achieving amazing things. Embrace your individuality, take risks, and chase your passions. The world needs more of what you have to offer than sacrificing for those who fights for only their will.”

“Take for example Endsars as a case study, Would you want another Endsars?”

“Believe in yourself and your abilities, we have the power to achieve greatness and make Nigeria a better country and make our dreams a reality. Don’t let fear or doubt hold us back every step forward, no matter how small, is a step closer to success.”

“We have applied different methods of agitation and we still didn’t benefit from our agitation, it was still the same class of of political wigs that hijack everything, when it comes to the time of any youths to benefit they will say he’s too small but when it’s time for violence the youths are more valued, let’s Keep pushing forward, and instead form a youths government across Nigerian state and demand from the government, stay positive, and know that your hard work will pay off.”

He reminded the youths that in the recent past Youths in the Niger Delta took arms against the Nigerian State to protest certain issues bedeviling the region but even that didn’t yield as much results that dialogue.

“We have raised arms against the nation yet nothing changes as it’s same people with the music they know how to dance best, until we know our values that’s when we will be valued as great Nigerian youths”.

He called on Nigerian Youths to keep faith with the administration of President Boka Ahmed Tinubu as he pushes to mend the areas of the economy which are making life difficult for them.

“Let us keep faith, hope alive and give Our President the benefit of doubt to fix the economy of Nigeria and it’s social distribution network that will allow for us citizens and others to have greater access to the wealth that will be generated in an atmosphere of peace and serenity. Let us work together with our leaders to build the Nigeria of our dreams because United we stand but divide we fall as a house divided against itself cannot stand. Let us not allow those with ulterior political motive to hijack this protest to score a negative political goal.”

“For our people that were unfairly laid off from their jobs and their means of livelihood, I urge you not to use this protest as a revenge mechanism rather work with me in a more civil parlance for justice to prevail. We will get what is due us although I know that the wheels of justice grinds slowly but sure it must be served. This is because there is justice inherent in nature and it will work for our favour. Let us continue to protect our National assets.”

“Nigeria will get better and normalcy will prevail as the President has given marching orders to the various sectors impacting on the economy in order to regrow and restore the feasible economic potentials of the country and get it working for the good of all and sundry for the general development and well-being of the country and it’s people.”

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August 1st National Protest: HRH Dr Selky Kile Torughedi urges Nigerian Youths not to Join Protest

About The Author
- Studied Mass Communication from the University of Jos. He is a Media Consultant, Journalist, a blogger, public relations practitioner and an advocate for social justice.